Sunday, January 31, 2010

Help translate iFreeBudget

You can help translate iFreeBudget to other languages. You will get a warm feeling for helping out an open-source project and I will include your name in credits. :-)

Use the following procedure if you want to help in translation effort.
Download the file mjrz.po from

This file will have sections like: 
#: ../net/mjrz/fm/  
79 msgid "3. Select location"  
80 msgstr "3. Elegir país"
You must translate the  "79 msgid "3. Select location" string to your language.
In this example, this string has been translated into catalan as "80 msgstr "3. Elegir país"  

This translation can be done by manually editing the file or using a graphical front end.
poedit is a good graphical tool and is highly recommented.
You can download poedit from 
Please email me the translated file so I can include in the distribution. 
Please email if you have any questions.


  1. This link is broken:

    An Exception Has Occurred

    The root "mjrz" is unknown. If you believe the value is correct, then please double-check your configuration.
    HTTP Response Status

    404 Repository not found

    I think it should be:

    I just can't understand why the project changed the name and address. There are several places pointing to

  2. The link is updated now. Thanks for pointing it out.

  3. Maybe I'm dense but I can't seem to figure out how to enter a transaction that involves purchasing something on credit. I believe I am gaining an asset and incurring a liability. How do you do this? Thanks.
